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Breast Augmentation – Patient 02

Restoration and refilling after pregnancy

Patient Summary

For this patient we placed the implants in front of the muscles as this patient needed to maximise the lifting effect of implants and minimise future sag of her own breast tissue. Contrary to what some patients believe or are told, placement in front of the muscle lifts breasts more than behind the muscle. This patient had enough depth of her own breast tissue in the upper part of her breast to adequately cover the implant and avoid the edge of the implant being seen – an obvious sign of having had implants. If she had not had enough breast tissue at the top but still needed the lifting effect, we would have used a dual plane technique, where the top of the implant is behind the muscle and the bottom is in front. Patient 7 is an example of this.

Breast Implants Statistics

  • 290cc
  • Round shape
  • Medium Profile
  • Silicone Gel Implants

* Unless otherwise stated, these patients have only undergone breast augmentation surgery

200cc - 300cc, Breast Augmentation, Round Implant